FIDE announces the allocation of Olympiad spots for 2025 World Cup and Women’s World Cup through the 45th Chess Olympiad performance
FIDE is pleased to announce the allocation of qualification spots for the 2025 FIDE World Cup and Women’s World Cup, based on the results of the 45th Chess Olympiad, held in Budapest. These prestigious tournaments will showcase top players who earned their spots through exceptional showings at the Olympiad, as well as through other qualification paths.
Key Points:
- 100 spots will be distributed based on final rankings from the Open section of the 45th Chess Olympiad.
- 50 spots have been awarded to federations in the Women’s section.
- No federation can claim more than one spot, even if they fielded multiple teams.
- Continental cap: No more than 40 federations from any single continent can receive spots in the Open section.
Spot transfers to Continental Events
In total, 80 national federations from the Open section and 35 federations from the Women’s section have secured places for the 2025 World Cup and Women’s World Cup, respectively. These Olympiad-based slots will go to the top-performing national teams, ensuring that the cream of the crop from the Olympiad will be competing on chess’s biggest stage.
FIDE World Cup / Women’s World Cup regulations allow each continent to transfer allocated Olympiad spots to continental events. This gives continental federations more flexibility in offering World Cup qualification through local competition.
Before the Olympiad, both Europe and the Americas chose to exercise this option, transferring a portion of their Olympiad-earned spots to upcoming continental tournaments. This adjustment provides added opportunities for players to qualify regionally and encourages even stronger competition at the continental level.
FIDE World Cup 2025
Rg | FED | TEAM |
1 | IND | India |
2 | USA | United States of America |
3 | UZB | Uzbekistan |
4 | CHN | China |
5 | SRB | Serbia |
6 | ARM | Armenia |
7 | GER | Germany |
8 | AZE | Azerbaijan |
9 | SLO | Slovenia |
10 | ESP | Spain |
11 | HUN | Hungary |
12 | TUR | Turkiye |
13 | GRE | Greece |
14 | NOR | Norway |
15 | FRA | France |
16 | UKR | Ukraine |
17 | ROU | Romania |
18 | CZE | Czech Republic |
19 | GEO | Georgia |
20 | ENG | England |
21 | NED | Netherlands |
22 | POL | Poland |
23 | MDA | Moldova |
24 | TKM | Turkmenistan |
25 | VIE | Vietnam |
26 | IRI | Iran |
27 | BUL | Bulgaria |
28 | LAT | Latvia |
29 | KAZ | Kazakhstan |
30 | SWE | Sweden |
31 | COL | Colombia |
32 | AUT | Austria |
33 | CRO | Croatia |
34 | CAN | Canada |
35 | BRA | Brazil |
36 | ARG | Argentina |
37 | MEX | Mexico |
38 | EGY | Egypt |
39 | CHI | Chile |
40 | LTU | Lithuania |
41 | MNE | Montenegro |
42 | ITA | Italy |
43 | SUI | Switzerland |
44 | AUS | Australia |
45 | CUB | Cuba |
46 | URU | Uruguay |
47 | BIH | Bosnia & Herzegovina |
48 | PER | Peru |
49 | SGP | Singapore |
50 | ZIM | Zimbabwe |
51 | PHI | Philippines |
52 | MGL | Mongolia |
53 | TJK | Tajikistan |
54 | KGZ | Kyrgyzstan |
55 | RSA | South Africa |
56 | JPN | Japan |
57 | NZL | New Zealand |
58 | ALG | Algeria |
59 | INA | Indonesia |
60 | BAN | Bangladesh |
61 | IRQ | Iraq |
62 | MAS | Malaysia |
63 | THA | Thailand |
64 | PLE | Palestine |
65 | ANG | Angola |
66 | SRI | Sri Lanka |
67 | NGR | Nigeria |
68 | ZAM | Zambia |
69 | PAK | Pakistan |
70 | TUN | Tunisia |
71 | MAR | Morocco |
72 | NAM | Namibia |
73 | KOR | South Korea |
74 | UAE | United Arab Emirates |
75 | TPE | Chinese Taipei |
76 | MAD | Madagascar |
77 | AFG | Afghanistan |
78 | HKG | Hong Kong, China |
79 | LBA | Libya |
80 | KSA | Saudi Arabia |
FIDE Women’s World Cup 2025
Rg | FED | TEAM |
1 | IND | India |
2 | KAZ | Kazakhstan |
3 | USA | United States of America |
4 | ESP | Spain |
5 | ARM | Armenia |
6 | GEO | Georgia |
7 | CHN | China |
8 | UKR | Ukraine |
9 | POL | Poland |
10 | BUL | Bulgaria |
11 | ARG | Argentina |
12 | UZB | Uzbekistan |
13 | ISR | Israel |
14 | HUN | Hungary |
15 | AZE | Azerbaijan |
16 | MGL | Mongolia |
17 | GRE | Greece |
18 | FRA | France |
19 | SUI | Switzerland |
20 | CAN | Canada |
21 | VIE | Vietnam |
22 | PHI | Philippines |
23 | TKM | Turkmenistan |
24 | MAS | Malaysia |
25 | AUS | Australia |
26 | IRI | Iran |
27 | PER | Peru |
28 | SRI | Sri Lanka |
29 | NZL | New Zealand |
30 | EGY | Egypt |
31 | UAE | United Arab Emirates |
32 | INA | Indonesia |
33 | ANG | Angola |
34 | HKG | Hong Kong, China |
35 | TJK | Tajikistan |
Olympiad spots transferred to Continental Events in accordance with decisions of Continental federations
What’s next for Federations?
Each federation that has earned a spot must now decide which player will represent them, selecting one of their team members from the 2024 Olympiad. However, if all team members qualify for the World Cup via another pathway or decline the opportunity, the federation has the discretion to allocate the spot to another player of its choosing.
Federations are expected to confirm their representatives between June 1 and June 10, 2025.
FIDE is eager to see how these Olympiad qualifiers perform in the 2025 World Cup and Women’s World Cup and remains committed to supporting the continued global growth of chess talent.
For further details, refer to the official qualification guidelines:
For any questions or additional information, please contact the Global Strategy Commission at